Loveland's 34th Annual Mountaintop Matrimony

Loveland's 34th Annual Mountaintop Matrimony

February 14, 2025

The 34th Annual Marry Me & Ski for Free Valentine’s Day Mountaintop Matrimony ceremony and reception is a Loveland tradition where new couples are joined in matrimony and married couples renew their vows in a mass wedding at 12:00pm sharp in Forest Meadow. The Mountaintop Matrimony is one of Loveland's most popular events of the year and we look forward to your participation. The ceremony is done for all couples at the same time and lasts approximately 30 minutes. Couples are required to sign-in the morning of the event at registration in the Lower Ridge Room and are asked to be at Forest Meadow by 11:30am.

Participants and guests must be able to ride the lift up to the top and then ski or snowboard down the hill in order to attend the ceremony. There will be no transportation up or down the mountain for non-skiers/snowboarders.

The Honeymooner's Apres Party for all participants and their guests follows the ceremony at 1:30pm at the Loveland Basin featuring wedding desserts and sparkling apple cider!

Registration is open, sign up now! Please visit the event page for updates!

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